We do more than you expect.
Depth and experience of Global SAP providers
Significantly lower support costs and practical pricing
Candidate Identification
STSi identifies consultants for referral to clients based on a series of characteristics, but the most crucial part of the process is to start with a vast pool of possible candidates. Aside from our own In-House Talent Pool database, we utilize several other identification tools to ensure that we have access to all consultants who may fit your needs
- In-House Talent Pool Database - STSi maintains a database containing thousands of résumés and uses software called cBiz for Candidate and Résumé Management. STSi maintains both U.S. Citizens and Non-U.S. Citizens in this database. In most instances, we are able to match candidates from our database to the requirement request. The database includes candidates who have been pre-screened and have had their skills evaluated through our Requirement Analysis tool. For this reason, we have an advantage an
d are able to submit candidates quickly.
- Advance Recruiting - Every year, STSi conducts hiring events in various countries including India, Singapore, Malaysia and the United Kingdom. STSi hires extremely talented candidates based on market forecast and technologies that are in demand. We also sponsor visas for all eligible candidates and will hire candidates with various backgrounds in technology.
- Social Networking for Recruiting - Our Recruiters use networking sites including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to access potential candidates and their connections. This exponentially multiplies the candidate pool for talent acquisition.
- Referrals - STSi takes tremendous pride in establishing ourselves as a “recruiter of choice” for many technology consultants. Often, after hearing how well STSi treats our consultants, prospective consultants contact us expressing their desire to work with us when their current contract ends. We have one of the best consultant retention rates in the industry due to the comprehensive benefits available. We also receive referrals from clients and through our participation in local technology user groups.
- Career Fairs - STSi actively participates in various career fairs and maintains a close relationship with all the potential candidates introduced at career fairs.
- Subcontracting - STSi always prefers having people on W2 basis. STSi also has partnered with several companies which have large talent pools of résumés and reaches out to them whenever we cannot find people on W2 basis.
- Job Boards - STSi uses job boards such as Monster, Dice, CareerBuilder, and Corp-to-Corp to search for candidates and also posts jobs on these job boards.
From start to finish, STSi recruits and screens individuals to ensure they are the best possible match for your needs. Our Candidate Selection process starts with the largest pool of candidates, followed by significant screening processes to ensure the candidate meets our expectations. After the candidate passes background and reference checks and salary negotiations, the consultant is ready to work with you to meet your goals.